
SOM Facilities Planning Projects

Facilities Planning Projects

Ed I Refresh

The School of Medicine Education I building underwent a refresh following the opening of the Ed II building.

Ed II Building

Ed II Building

The SOM Education Building II Ribbon Cutting Ceremony 9/26/2023: SOM Education Building II Ribbon Cutting Set for Sept. 26 | School of Medicine News (

School of Medicine ready to unveil new education building: School of Medicine ready to unveil new education building | Inside UCR

Hulen Place

The UCR School of Medicine re-opened the Hulen Place Clinic to offer primary care services to the county’s unhoused people and low-income communities.

Citrus Towers (Exam Room)

The UCR School of Medicine has recently completed the Exam Rm project at Citrus Towers. We have added 5 newly renovated Exam rooms to our Neurology Department, offering additional services to UCR Health Multispecialty Center.