
2024 BSEC Team (2025 BSEC and BES Members Coming Soon)


Meet The BSEC Team

Our main SOM buildings are ED I, SIM Center, and Research. We are also making plans to include SOM’s other buildings and clinics.

What Is The Role Of A BSEC?

The Building Supervisor for Emergency Coordinators (BSEC) should be the first one out, going directly to the Emergency Assembly Area (EAA). Once there, this person should then coordinate with their BES’s (Building Emergency Staff) in the EAA. Prepare to brief important information with first responders. Arrange for support to emergency responders (as needed):

  • Coordinate and manage their building’s emergency preparedness activities,
  • Participate in training and meetings
  • Initiate verification of building evacuation,
  • Ensure occupants are in the Emergency Assembly Area (EAA)
  • Provide information to the Emergency Operations Center (EOC) and first responders in an emergency.

The Building Emergency Staff (BES) assist in clearing people from inside and away from the building. Observing things emergency responders may need to know, using your basic senses and as safety permits.

  • Evacuate others
  • Assist or guide people to the exits or safe refuge areas
  • Conduct situation assessment
  • Communicate with their BSEC

The Emergency Action Plan (EAP):

The following elements are included in the EAP:

  • Evacuation procedures and emergency escape routes
  • Procedures for employees who remain to operate critical plant operations before they evacuate
  • Procedures to account for all employees after an emergency evacuation is completed
  • The preferred means of reporting fires and other emergencies
  • The names, job titles, and departments of persons who can be contacted for further information or explanation of duties under the plan
  • Alerting and Notification
  • Contacts
  • Emergency Procedures

For More Information Regarding the Emergency Action Plan, click here: Emergency Action Plan Site